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Topic: Green Heron Nest South of Haynes Bridge Road
Posts: 7

Reputation: 0
Green Heron Nest South of Haynes Bridge Road
on: June 15, 2010, 20:17

There are a few Green Heron Nests just south of Haynes Bridge Road on the Greenway. If you head south from the parking area, they are about .2 miles right after the trail splits. The nests can be found by looking up in the trees for the birds, or down on the ground for their droppings. They are truly hard to miss. Enjoy!

Jeff has lived in the North Atlanta Metro Area for most of his life. Growing up in Lilburn, GA, he has been a fan of hiking, biking, and boating since he was little. Now he lives with his wife and two sons in Cumming, GA. He walks the Forsyth Big Creek Greenway regularly and bikes it occasionally.

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