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Topic: Glad to Find you!
Posts: 2

Reputation: 0
Glad to Find you!
on: September 27, 2011, 06:16

Hi all. since picking up a trek navigator the other day, I've been pouring over the internet looking for cycling sites that aren't either a. mtn biking or b. road biking. I was also looking for some local clubs or groups for recreational riders…but so far…nothing. It seems as though the recreational rider community ( there is one out there, I'm sure of it ) isn't organized very well ( or at all. LOL 🙂 ) .

We live in Gainesville and picked up the bike because I'm trying to lose some weight. Hopefully we'll pick up one for my wife next month so we can ride together. We're close to GA 400 though, so riding down to Alpharetta wouldn't be that big of a deal if we had people to ride with.

Anyway, glad I finally found a site about local riding that wasn't geared to folks with $3800 bikes. ( Not that there's anything wrong with that! )

OH, and I also started a new blog about my efforts to re-learn riding a bike and losing weight. There's not much there yet, but there will be as I get used to the new seat and put some miles on the Navigator.


owl jones

Posts: 2

Reputation: 0
Re: Glad to Find you!
on: June 12, 2012, 19:59

And almost a year later, I'm still looking. I guess the only people interested in riding together are hard-core mtn bikers or road guys. Oh well. It was just a thought. 🙂

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