By Jeff on April 26, 2011

Trail Closed
Repairs have begun on the section of the Forsyth Big Creek Greenway between Mcfarland Parkway and Union Hill. Additional flooding and rain delayed the start of repairs to the damaged section of boardwalk. The repairs are estimated at being completed on Monday May 9th, weather permitting.
Also the Bethelview entrance to the trail was closed today, 4/26, due to a tree blocking the trail. Crews are out removing the tree, and that portion should re-open tomorrow, 4/27.
Posted in Featured, Trail News | Tagged Bethelview, Big Creek Greenway, Big Creek Greenway Conditions, Cleanup, Forsyth, Forsyth County, Forsyth County Greenway, Hwy 141, McFarland, Repairs, Union Hill, Weather
Jeff has lived in the North Atlanta Metro Area for most of his life. Growing up in Lilburn, GA, he has been a fan of hiking, biking, and boating since he was little. Now he lives with his wife and two sons in Cumming, GA. He walks the Forsyth Big Creek Greenway regularly and bikes it occasionally.
Could you please let me know how much the Big Creek Greenway cost, and how long it took to construct? Was it paid for entirely by Forsyth County taxpayers? If not, what was Forsyth County’s share? Was any thought given to putting the construction on hold during the economic downturn, while tax and other revenues were low? How much did the repairs cost? I don’t mean to be a grouch, but we’ve lived in Forsyth County and paid taxes here for 15 years, are struggling to hold onto what we have and that makes you look at life differently. Since the trail near our house goes through the wetlands, how is it that flooding was not accounted for in the plans?
The Forsyth Greenway was constructed with money, granted by Forsyth County voters in 2008 (69-70% in favor), from the Parks, Recreation and Green Space Bond. I’m not sure of the cost of the Greenway itself. I created this site, but don’t run/operate the park or work for Forsyth County. The total allocated amount of the Green Space Bond was $100 million. Only a portion has been used on the Greenway. (Source: )
As for flooding, it was accounted for in construction. The major damage that is being repaired is due to misuse of the trail. Apparently someone decided it would be convenient to drive their off-road vehicles on the boardwalk north of McFarland. This does not surprise me, since before the Greenway was built, this area was known for taking trucks off-road on the old utility trails after a rain.
Hi Jeff,
Do you know when the miles 0 to 2 will be open again on the greenway?? It still is closed off today. Thanks! Cathy